Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Week 5 Reading Notes

Database – Wikipedia

I think this was a really good introduction and summary of databases. I thought the list of different types of databases was particularly helpful, and it was interesting to be able to finally understand the differences between databases. I think I would like to know more about the different storage structures, because from the article it is difficult to tell which is better; and other than the knowledge that B+ trees and ISAM are the most popular there was not much else to go on in the information on database storage structures.

Introduction to Metadata

I knew next to nothing about metadata before reading this article, so I found it to be particularly helpful. I really began to understand what metadata is when they compared it to tagging pictures and video on YouTube and Flickr. Before that point in the article I was a little lost with the technical jargon that was being thrown around. Metadata means data about data. A universal metadata standard for libraries and archives has been difficult to achieve because it is hard to categorize and describe all types of the collections and materials that exist.  I found table two to be of particular interest for those in the LIS field, the examples of the functions of metadata in particular settings was very useful. I also thought that the descriptions of the primary functions of metadata were also very helpful in helping me to understand how metadata works.
In particular, I found the first half of the article to be a little confusing and would appreciate an overview of some of the different types of data standards that were discussed.

Dublin Core Data Method

I totally did not understand this article, and I can’t really reflect on something that I found very difficult to comprehend.

1 comment:

  1. I had the same impression as you of the Wikipedia and Dublin Core readings. I'm not sure how important it is for us to understand the storage structures unless we decide to become IT professionals. I hope it's enough to just know they exist.
