Saturday, October 23, 2010

Week 7 Reading Notes

How Internet Infrastructure Works
I thought this article clearly explained how the internet is set up. Before this article I knew about IP’s and LAN, but understanding POP’s and Network Access Points are key to understanding how the internet is set up.
I also found the discussion of how the internet works, from access points to Domain Names and URL’s to be very helpful towards understanding how the internet works in order to pull up the webpage you request.
Lastly, I found it interesting that the NSF funded the creation of the first high speed backbone for the internet based on the discussions we had in LIS 2000 this week.

Dismantling Integrated Library Systems

I guess I’m kind of shocked (even though I probably shouldn't be) that Integrated Library Systems were able to control the market for as long as they have. It surprises me that libraries were not trying to make their systems interoperable until now. It just seems like ILS was the more expensive route to go and knowing how little money most libraries have it just seems foolish that they were so reliant on such technology, and that only now that a plateau of innovation has been reached in ILS is anything being done to improve library systems.  I think that in the end more money will be spent to integrate these systems than would have been had libraries just embraced interoperable systems earlier on, their reliance on overpriced vendors would have been reduced for years had they embraced technological innovations such as interoperable systems earlier.

Sergey Brin and Larry Page on Google

This video was great. The video had lots of interesting information and had me laughing through most of it. I love graphics so the world graphic of where Google was being used was great.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed Page's and Brin's humor as well. They seem like they would be really funny and encouraging bosses. I only hope that I can work for a great company like Google!
